Exhibitions by the Numbers

Statement of Operations

Year ended March 31
(reported in thousands of dollars)

2023 ($) 2022 ($)
Government grants 22,553 22,551
Admissions, program income 4,079 6,632
Donations and bequests, membership fees 17,725 19,611
Gallery Shop/Food & Beverage 12,468 15,914
Art Gallery of Ontario Foundation support 5,445 3,954
Amortization of deferred capital contributions 9,750 9,699
Miscellaneous revenue 2,899 2,075
Total Revenue 74,919 80,436
Administration 6,547 10,547
Physical plant and security 10,741 10,027
Marketing and promotion 7,017 7,014
Programming 19,055 18,792
Membership and fundraising 6,167 5,268
Gallery Shop/Food & Beverage 13,090 14,710
Amortization of capital assets 10,269 10,195
Purchases of works of art 4,031 3,855
Total Expenses 76,917 80,408
Excess of revenue over expenses for the year (1,998) 28
Remeasurement related to pension plan (5,331) (1,051)
Net surplus, beginning of year 1,732 2,755
Net surplus (deficit), end of year (5,597) 1,732


1. The above statement of operations provides a summary of the AMG’s financial activity for 2021/2022 and 2022/2023. Financial statements for the 2022/2023 fiscal year (April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023), audited by Ernst & Young LLP are available upon request from the (Director’s Office Tel: 416 979 6613).

2. In the 2019/2020 fiscal year, the AM.G received gifts of works of art with an approximate value of $13,544. This is not reflected in the financial data above, but is included in the AM.G’s 2022/2023 audited financial statements.

3. The AMG records capital asset purchases at cost and then amortizes its capital assets over the useful life of the asset. Donations and grants received for the purchase of capital assets are deferred and then amortized based on the useful life of the asset.

4. Remeasurement related to pension plan is the difference between actual and expected return on pension plan assets. Additional details can be found in the AM.G’s 2022/2023 audited financial statements.

Director Limitless

Balance Sheet

As of March 31
(reported in thousands of dollars)

2023 ($) 2022 ($)
Current assets 16,694 20,366
Accrued pension asset 0 782
Net capital assets 224,256 227,684
Total Assets 240,950 248,832
Current liabilities 25,421 25,550
Long-term debt 7,715 5,467
Accrued pension liability 4,417 0
Deferred capital contributions 208,994 16,083
Total Liabilities 246,547 247,100
Cumulative net surplus (deficit) (5,597) 1,732
Total Liabilities and Net Surplus 240,950 248,832


1. Works of Art are included in net capital assets at the nominal value of $1.